Any time we step into nature, we encounter traces of human mediation with the environment. From the gradual formation of footpaths to the expansion of urban parks following Industrialization, spaces which at a glance seem natural are structured to suit human needs. While living in Philadelphia, PA, I regularly visited Wissahickon Valley Park as a site of exploration. I have an interest in different modes of engagement with this park, such as wayfinding and collecting.

Through personal interactions with space, I record my experiences and memorialize objects of (in)significance found along park trails. I am interested in questioning the relationships between printmaking and the natural sciences, the history of park systems in North America, and methods of sustainability such as ‘leave no trace’ principles. As an artist, I am concerned with the convergence of individual experiences and involvement in larger patterns of environmental impact.

Installation view of MFA Thesis Exhibition in Temple Contemporary, at the Tyler School of Art and Architecture, Philadelphia, PA

Trace, animation made with trace monotypes, 2021, 1min 35s

Muscle Memory, multi-channel animation using trace monotypes, 2021, 2min 59s


Prints and Drawings